ou are kindly asked to book your accommodation on your own. Due to high season we recommend to book as soon as possible.

For your convenience we mention the following web-links for searching and booking accomodations:

Vienna Tourist Info

A complete list of hotels in Vienna can be downloaded here:

Hotel Guide
Hostels Guide

The TU Wien has contracts with some hotels nearby the conference venue with some rebate on the price. Please note that prices are from 2016 and may be subject to change next year.

Getreidemarkt 5
A-1050 Wien

Tel: 0043 (0) 1588 38150
Fax: 0043 (0) 1588 38212

E-mail: reservierung.msw@chello.at
Website: www.mercure.com

Single: € 103,-- to € 143,--
Double: € 120,-- to € 160,--

Am Stadtpark 3
1030 Wien

Tel: 0043 (0) 1 71700 14000
Fax: 0043 (0) 1 71700 11000

E-Mail: reservations.vienna@hilton.com
Website: http://www.hilton.de/wien

Bookingcode: 003001695

Hilton Guest Room € 150,--
Hilton Deluxe Room € 175,--
Hilton Deluxe Plus € 190,--

Schleifmühlgasse 25
A-1040 Wien

Tel: 0043 (0)1 587 32 89
Fax : 0043 (0) 1 587 32 89 11

Contact person: Mr. Gräftner

E-Mail: office@hotel3kronen.at
Website: www.hotel3kronen.at

Papagenogasse 6
A-1060 Wien

Tel: 0043 (0) 1 587 44 820
Fax: 0043 (0) 1 587 44 42

E-Mail: info@beethoven.bestwestern.at
Website: http://www.hotel-beethoven.at

Single room € 88,--
Classic Single: € 114,--
Classic Double € 124,--
Classic Selection Single € 124,--
Classic Selection Double € 134,--

Schikanedergasse 4
A-1040 Wien

Tel: 0043 (0) 1587 53 020
Fax: 0043 (0) 1581 25 11

Contact person: Mrs Lichtenegger

E-Mail: hotel@carlton.at
Website: http://www.carlton.at/

Single room € 50,-- to € 75,--
Double room € 70,-- to € 105,--

Mommsengasse 5
A-1040 Wien

Contact Person: Mrs Tomasek

Tel.: 0043 (0)1 504 66 90 0
Fax: 0043 (0)1 504 66 90-820

E-Mail: Reservierung@pakatsuites.com
Website: www.pakatsuites.com

Bookingcode: TU-WIEN

Single: € 99,-- including breakfast
Double: € 117,-- including breakfast

Theresianumgasse 21A
A-1040 Wien

Tel.: 0043 (0)1 504 66 90 0
Fax: 0043 (0)1 504 66 90-820

E-Mail: Reservierung@climacity-hotel.com
Website: www.climacity-hotel.com

Bookingcode: TU-WIEN

Single room: 75 €
Double room: 85 €

Favoritenstraße 12
A-1040 Wien

Contact Person: Mr. Peters

Tel: 0043 (0) 1 505 76 24
Fax: 0043 (0) 1 505 76 28

E-Mail: info@hotel-johann-strauss.at
Website: http://www.hotel-johann-strauss.at/auswahl.html

Single room € 97,--
Double room € 137,--