On the first day, on Monday evening we will have a get together party in the town hall. An old timer tramway will bring us there.

For Tuesday afternoon, we have organized different tours to interesting sites in Vienna. All tours are within walking distance from the conference site, and you will be guided by one of our “helping hands”. In case of bad weather please don’t forget to bring your umbrella or rain coat.

The meeting point for these walks is in the poster/exhibition area. Please be there in time (14:05 latest) and take notice to which tour you have signed up for.

At the moment we plan to include the following sites:


Besides the happening above we have a special Roof Party (weather dependent) on Tuesday evening at about 7pm, after the poster session. Here we will serve delicious regional Most and Sturm, have a special craft beer area and give you the possibility for a delicious wine tasting session.

On Wednesday afternoon a bus will bring us to the Abbey Klosterneuburg, where different guided tours like the treasure chamber tour, the abbey museum tour or the the wine cellar tour are offered.

Austria and especially the region around Vienna is famous for it‘s „Heurigen“ culture, the origin of the word „gemütlich“ which can not be translated directly to english but the meaning is maybe the combination of cosy, comfortable, homely.... Therefore we will visit one of them to give you the chance to dive into this world.