If you are going to prepare an abstract for the conference we ask you to respect the following guidelines. A template can be downloaded here.

Page size:A4 (297 x 210 mm), abstract must not exceed one page
Margins:30 mm (top, bottom, left and right)
Font type:Times New Roman and Symbol; do not use any other font
Line spacing:title and text must be spaced by 1.25 lines
1st Line:Title: centered, 12 point, bold capital letters
2nd Line:Author(s):centered, 12 point, presenting author underlined
3rd Line:Affiliation and full address: centered, 12 point. In the case of different affiliations of the authors, specify with superscript a, b, etc.
Main text:left and right justified, 12 point, unindented
Figures:good quality, located within the text (please bear in mind that abstracts are printed in black&white, and the page size will be reduced to 70%)
References:placed in square brackets [1, 2, ...] in the text and cited at the bottom of the abstract

Online submission of abstracts via this webpage will be available from February 1, 2026

After successfull submission of your abstract you will receive a confimation email to the email addresss you specified within the submission process.

This email also contains a link to the content management system (CMS) with detailed information of the current status of the contribution. You will also be informed by email about any changes regarding your contribution.

The conference lecture hall will be equipped with a video beamer (resolution 1024 x 768; standard XGA). A PC for Powerpoint and PDF presentations will be provided. We kindly ask you to use the provided equipment instead of your own laptop to avoid technical problems! For all other types of video presentation an own laptop must be used.

Speakers are requested to hand in their final version of their lecture on electronic media the day before their session. Speakers are highly encouraged to send appropriate files in advance as email attachment (even if the files are not the final ones).

Posters should have the format A0 (portrait format, with a maximum of 90cm width and may be 120 cm height). Abstracts scheduled for presentation in poster sessions will be numbered and listed in the Final Program. The poster boards will be numbered according to the program. Authors are requested to be in front of their poster during the official session time.

The poster boards will be positioned on the corridors of the ground floor. Poster mounting should be completed on Monday noon at the latest. Posters are on display until the morning break on Thursday. Posters are to be removed until Thursday 12:30, after this deadline they will be dismounted by staff members and can be re-claimed in the Slide Center (however, we do not take responsibility for any damage to the posters).